JSTOR - Database
With JSTOR, students can search articles, journals, books (by chapter), and images.
IMPORTANT: Use the download button (located by each article) to download all articles, chapters, and images to save your research on your desktop. BSoR uses a high school version of JSTOR where articles can sometimes change and access may be lost to a particular article.
Begin on the JSTOR homepage. Click here and log in using:
Username: saintgertrudehs
Password: library21
Beginning A Search
The JSTOR homepage is similar to Google. Use the search bar in the center of the page to begin your search.
Search by word or phrase.
Searching for an exact name or phrase - use quotation marks. “Alexander Hamilton” or “To be or not to be”
Advanced Search
Use the advanced search field to narrow your search using multiple search words.
Results from this search look like this and yielded 6,412 results:
You can download articles as PDFs and cite articles. We use the free version of JSTOR - all articles should be downloaded. They cannot be saved in JSTOR.
Can't access an article? See Ms. Hanafin for access.
Citations on JSTOR
JSTOR allows you to cite your results and export citations directly into NoodleTools. Remember to always check your citations for accuracy.
Questions about JSTOR, ask your librarian or teacher. They can help you narrow or broaden your search for the best results.