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Use NoodleTools to create citations, take notes, and write annotated bibliographies. 

Click here to log into NoodleTools. 

NoodleTools Explained

  1. Log on to NoodleTools in GatorNet.

  2. Create a new project in NoodleTools

  3. Create and add citations in NoodleTools.


Get a NoodleTools Account - in GatorNet under Library Services


Quick Start in NoodleTools in 8 Steps

1. Log into GatorNet on the Resource Board and Click on Library Resources. Sign into NoodleTools with your Gmail account.

2. To create a new reference, click on the green Create a New Project button on the right tab close to the top of your screen.

Create a New Project Button Image

3. Name your research and choose your citation style guide: MLA or Chicago/Turabian and choose a citation level. Your teacher will let you know which style guide and level are preferred.

4. Click on the Sources button in the top middle of your screen.

5. Once you click on NoodleTool citation guides starting working for you. It is here that you will need information about the source you are using. 

6. Create New Citation - click on the option that describes how you accessed your source and click on the description that best describes it.

7. Add details about your source and click save.

8. Your saved list of sources appears on the next page. Use the drop down menu to export them or copy and paste to your bibliography.

NoodleTools Hint

When you are working in NoodleTools, leave NoodleTools open on a tab in your browser. As you review sources in your research, click on NoodleTools and add resource information as you research.