Online Resources
ProQuest via Digital Maine Library
Through Digital Maine Library, we have access to different ProQuest databases to help you in your research.
The National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families for reliable, up-to-date health information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. ( Legislative Information)
Provides full-text access to the Congressional Record, bills, public and private laws, roll call votes, and schedules of both houses.
Smithsonian Resources
Free databases and collections relating to science, history, arts, and more from the Smithsonian.
World Fact Book (CIA)
Produced by the CIA, the World Factbook summarizes information about countries and other international entities, such as demographics, geography, communications, government, and economy.
Maine Memory Network
A project of the Maine Historical Society, provides access to thousands of historical items belonging to over 260 organizations from across Maine.
Maine Secretary of State Kids' Page
Information for K-12 on the State of Maine as well as links to other student programs from the Secretary of State's Office.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Online encyclopedia with easy to use features and information about a vast range of topics.
Merriam-Webster's 3rd New Int'l. Dictionary
Online full-text of Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus as well as a wealth of language related information.
While not as accurate as the built-in citation generators in databases, this citation-builder will get you started on the right path, even if you need to double-check it to make sure it is correct.
From the Online Writing Lab at Purdue University, this MLA Guide has quick, easy to understand directions for formatting your MLA papers.